
Dr. 特蕾莎·考尔,APRN-CNP

Chair of the Department of Nursing / Clinical Associate Professor of Nursing 获取联系信息


Nursing 护理(MSN) 副学士护理学


Dr. Kaul PhD, APRN-BC has over 30 years of teaching and nursing educational administration experience in higher education. She currently serves as the Endowed Chairperson of Nursing at 博天堂官方入口登陆登录 in Waukesha, WI. She has been a past president of 威斯康辛护理联盟 and currently sits on the board of directors.  She is also on the legislative subcommittee for the Administrators of Nursing Education of Wisconsin (ANEW) group. She is also a member of the 全国护理联盟 -Commission of Nursing Education Accreditation committee. She is an educational consultant for Nurse Tim Inc, providing faculty development to nurse educators. Her desire to stay current and involved in the ever-changing health care environment is evident in her continued practice as a Nurse Practitioner. Her scholarship in nursing has been devoted to curriculum development and her service has focused on the underserved communities. Dr. Kaul has dedicated her career to developing and providing quality education for nurses through partnerships with students, faculty, 卫生保健机构, 以及他们所服务的社区.


  • 马奎特大学博士.D. 教育政策与领导
    • Dissertation Title: The relationship between self-efficacy beliefs toward self-management of asthma and asthma self-management behaviors in urban African American children
  • Concordia University, Post Graduate-Certificate for Wisconsin Family Nurse Practitioner
  • 马奎特大学,硕士-成人执业护士
  • 威斯康辛州哥伦比亚护理学院注册护士


Adult and family nurse practitioner, asthma, chronic care, college health, cultural competency


Kaul, T. (2011).  Helping African American Children Self-Manage Asthma: The Importance of Self-Efficacy. 学校卫生杂志,81(1),29-33.

Henderson, L. & Kaul, T.  (2010). Pain, tingling, and limited range of motion after a cat bite to the finger. 临床顾问:执业护士,10 (13),97,101-102.

Parve, J. & Kaul, T. (2011). 难民保健中的临床问题:索马里班图人. 执业护士36(7),48-53. 

Smith, D. & Kaul, T. (2011). Diagnostic Triage and Differentiation of Low Back Pain: Cauda Equina Syndrome Case Study.  美国执业护士杂志,15(4)

Kendall, M. & Kaul, T. (2011). Case Study: A broad assessment of symptoms revealed an atypical presentation. 肿瘤护士顾问,1月/ 2月,27-29.

Marquardt, L. & 保罗,T (2012). Use of a Reactive Airway Disease Triage Protocol in Adults With Asthma
在紧急护理环境中. 临床博天堂官方入口登陆登录评论,5(1),46-54.


Giving Through Teaching: How Nurse Educators Are Changing the World 
New from the NLN Foundation for Nursing Education and Springer Publishing 
编辑:Joyce J. 菲茨帕特里克,博士,MBA,注册会计师,FAAN,
Cathleen M. 舒尔茨博士,注册会计师,FAAN, CNE & Tonia D. 艾肯,法学博士,注册会计师


2013年7月| $50,000 | Anthem BC/BS Wellpoint Foundation资助
2013年1月| 5万美元|海伦·巴德基金会
July 2010-June 2011  |  $81,872  |  HRSA Advanced Education Nursing Traineeship Program
2011年3月| 3.5万美元|巴特曼护理补助金合写
2011年1月| 33美元.万丨WellPoint基金会资助WLN奖学金
July 2009-June2010  |  $95,604  |  HRSA  Advanced Education Nursing Traineeship Program
July 2008-June 2009  |  $98,000  |  HRSA  Advanced Education Nursing Traineeship Program


November 2015  |  WLN Fall Conference “Your path, Your Choice” — Articulation agreements revisited
2015年11月|小组讨论-多样性, Simulation, 衔接协议WI护理联盟秋季会议
March 2011  |  Panel discussion Faith and learning Board of Regents, Naples Florida
May 2011  |  Building Bridges to Research Based Nursing Practice, DNP Panel Discussion
May 2010  |  Building Bridges to Research Based Nursing Practice, DNP Panel Discussion
November 2009  |  The Concordia Bioethics Institute A panel of experts discussed Health Care reform Act. 护理对医疗改革的反应.
2009年4月| WNA APN论坛DNP程度:DNP响应


  • 担任职业治疗主任遴选委员会成员
  • Served as President Elect and President to the 威斯康辛护理联盟 
  • 组织成员:
    • 威斯康星州护士协会 
    • 威斯康辛护理联盟                         
    • 全国护理联盟
    • 西格玛Theta - delta分会
    • Phi Beta第480章
    • 全国执业护士教师组织




我个人的教学理念, 尽管每个学期我都在不断进步, 保持学习是终身的, building on previous knowledge and skills that can be greatly influenced by a teacher (facilitator) who is content knowledgeable, student centered and recognizes the individual learning styles and needs of each student. I also believe it’s important the student is provided with the skills and tools necessary for lifelong learning including the habits of inquiry and habit of reflection on their learning and vocation. 


在这项开创性的工作中. 帕特里夏·本纳及其同事(2009), 护士教育:呼吁彻底变革, they suggest that there is an urgent societal need to reset the agenda for nursing education.  The author’s argue that “nursing needs to continue to uphold its long held value of providing astute clinical judgment, 保证病人的安全, 减轻人类的痛苦, and at the same time adopt a new moral vision of professional responsibility, accountability and ethical comportment which provide the fulcrum for their identity” (p.1-2).  

作为一名护士教育者, I am challenged to assure that my students are provided with an engaging learning environment that will help them to achieve the outcomes of this new agenda. Nursing programs need to produce nurses that not only meet the challenge of today’s ever changing health care environment, but most importantly we need to equip them to be leaders in these environments.

Benner,P.萨特芬,M., Leonard, V., Day, L. (2010). 护士教育:呼吁彻底变革. 乔西-巴斯:旧金山,加州.


我更喜欢学生在学习中积极主动. I like facilitating activities in the classroom that allows students with all styles of learning to get involved. 它可以让学生看到文本材料变得生动起来, 哪一个总是比讲座更吸引人. I like to incorporate technology in the classroom as most of my students are technology natives and usually find most of their information via this format. It allows me to help them determine what material is credible and not so credible online. 


学生们应该知道我热爱教学. 我是一个非常开放和平易近人的教员. 我尊重并看到所有人的优点. I, too, am learning every day so when I don’t know something, I am not afraid to admit it. The most important thing is to realize you don’t need to know it all, 但你确实需要知道在哪里可以找到这些信息.
